Chatham Saw Mill


This mill was established in 1883 with the primary objective to meet the local requirements of sawn timber for the constructional works. The machines initially installed were second hand and operated with unskilled man power available at that time. Unfortunately during the Second World War, the mill was destroyed badly by the direct hit of bombs, paralysing its working completely.

However, after the Second World War, the Mill was revived in mid forties and fifties by salvaging the old machinery to meet the continued need of sawn timber of the islanders. So much so, this requirement of sawn timber of the Islanders further increased manifold after the settlement of people from erstwhile East Pakistan, Srilanka and Burma etc. in these islands

The majority of good quality logs are consumed by the wood based industries and the remaining logs which may contain knots, shakes, splits and sponges etc. are brought to the govt. Saw mill Chatham for production of sawn timber where utmost possible extent of good quality sawn timber is salvaged to meet the requirements of local public, furniture marts as well as Govt. Departments for various public works. Besides, the premier timber of Andamans "the Andaman Padauk" is handled by Govt. Saw Mill only.

The initial annual log intake capacity of the mill was around 20000 cum., but to the lesser availability of logs due to various reasons, the mill is presently consuming around 12000 - 13000 cum of logs annually. Presently, the annual production of sawn timber of Chatham saw mill ranges between 5000 to 6000 cum. of which, more than 90% is sold locally at the price fixed by Andaman and Nicobar Administration on year to year basis. The present annual average turnover of the Chatham saw mill is around Rs. 6 crores.

The Mill complex is under the charge of a Deputy Conservator of Forests, assisted by one Production Manger on the production side, one Asst. Mill Manger on sales side, one Asst. Constructional engineer on civil works, one Superintendent Timber Treatment Plant on the Timber Treatment preservation side. One saw filer in the sawn doctoring unit, one Range Officer on the log receipts side and one Range Officer on sawn timber sale side. Besides, there is a Security Officer assisted by Security Inspector and Watch and Ward Staff to look after the security in the respect of Chatham Saw Mill. There is a small dispensary, which is looked after by a medical officer and his Para Medical staff and a Labour Welfare Officer to look after the welfare of the workers.

At present around a thousand numbers of industrial ministerial and executive staffs are working in the Chatham Saw Mill.

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