The A & N Islands has almost 82.28% of it's geographical area under Forest cover. Conservation and preservation of this Forest area has great significance, as the islands are located in an area that is prone to natural disasters of Earthquakes, Tsunami, Landslides etc. The Department of Environment and Forest (DoEF) of A & N Admin is entrusted with this responsibility all over the Islands, through its various offices which are spread from Campbell Bay Down South to Diglipur up North. The DoEF is working to preserve the rich resources of Forest and Marine lives, fragile Ecology and Bio Diversity of the Islands. The A & N Islands are also now witnessing rapid development in economic and social activities, which naturally has an effect on the environment. The DoEF is continuously engaged with the other offices of A & N Admin to ensure that sustainable development takes place in the Islands without affecting the environment in a non recoverable manner.

This website is designed to provide details of activities of DoEF and to provide a digital interface of the Department to citizens of A & N Islands. Please visit this website and provide your feedback for improvements / inconsistencies in the website, to dcfplanning[dot]and[at]nic[dot]in and zeenath[dot]bibi[at]nic[dot]in

Let us resolve to pledge all our efforts in preserving the rich forest cover of A & N with varieties of Flaura, Fauna, Wildlife and endemic species.

Principal Chief Conservator of Forests,
A & N Islands.