राज्य पक्षी
Andaman Wood pigeon (Columba palumbodies) is about the size of a domestic pigeon but with a longer tail. Resident and Endemic to Andaman and Nicobar Islands lives in dense broadleaved evergreen forests.
राज्य पशु
The Dugong (Duging Dungon) is a gentle marine mammal commonly known as Sea Cow, found near sea grasses. It is hinghly endangered species and requires urgent conservation measure.
राज्य वृक्ष
Andaman Padauk (Pterocarpus dalbergiodes Roxb.) is a very large semi deciduous practically evergreen tree with large buttresses found scattered throughout the deciduous and semi-deciduous forest. It grows upto 25-40 meters height with trunk diameters 1.5 to 2 meters. It makes an excellent ornamental timber used for furniture, decorative veneers, paneling etc.
Progress Across the years :All Sites
(Data Available till-April,2023)
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(Data Available till-March,2021)
ChartProgress Across the Divisions for the year :2016-17
(Data Available till-November,2023)
No. of Tourist Visited Across the years
(Data Available till-December,2023)
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